Our first known Kreucher was born in 1770 in Staffel Germany, Stefan Kreucher. He married Elisabeth Hartchen in
1778 in Kreuzberg, Germany. They had 6 children, one of which was Cornelius, born or baptized September 16, 1802 in
Kreuzberg, Germany. Cornelius married: Margarete Thieves Feb 7, 1830 in Altenahr Prussia, Germany. Margaret
was born September 06, 1801 or baptised on that day. They had 5 children, one was Anton Francis Kreucher our great grandfather.
He was born June 11, 1844. They were an educated family, wrote in high German and had musical abilities.
Anton could play 16 instruments and could write music. He was especially known for his work on the violin. Anton
came to America on the ship Cimbria in 1869, and migrated to Clinton Iowa where he married Johanna Maria Fredrika Augusta Brandenburg.
They had 12 children. Anton was a laboror and gave music lessons in the town. They lived at 2112 Cleveland
Ave in Lyons, which was known as 8th street at that time. When his beloved Johanna died, he moved to Laurel Mississpi
and worked for Gardner Lumber,(eventually called Green-Gardner Sawmill) where he died in November of 1900.
He is buried in an unmarked grave in Hickory Grove Cemetery in Laurel Mississppi in the old Church section.
Anton and Johanna had the following children: Joseph C, born March 7, 1874, Albert Kreucher born
November 21, 1876, Otto Kreucher born July 18, 1878, Fredricka Augusta Kreucher born August 21, 1880, Edmond Reinhard Kreucher
born July 21, 1882, John Kreucher born March 1, 1885, a stillborn born November 30, 1886, Ella Mary Kreucher born July 16,
1888, George Hubert Bernard Kreucher born March 16, 1889, Anton Frances Joseph Kreucher born Feb 5, 1891, Kate Ida Kreucher
born March 20, 1893, and Phillip Kreucher born Dec 20, 1895.
If you are interested in learning more about this family, please email us at kindrar@hotmail.com
Coming to America |
The Cimbria |
The Gardner Lumber Company |
Where Anton Kreucher worked and died |
Anton Kreucher's Declaration of Citzenship |
April 1875 |